What is Recruitment as a Service (RaaS)? Why pay 25% of ONE candidate’s first year’s base salary when you can pay a fraction of that amount in a multi placement contract?
As of May 2024, the average salary for pharmaceutical R&D professionals (non-management) in the US is $99,596 per year. At $99,596.00, your company will endure a $24,899.00 fee for ONE candidate. Management positions range from $125,000-$225,000 or $31,250.00-$56,250.00 in fees, again for ONE candidate.
While we do offer contingent search options, At Scientific Pro Search, we are pivoting from the traditional contingency & retained recruiting fees of 25%-30% PER POSITION by offering an annual contract at a fraction of those potential costs.
At Scientific Pro|Search, we believe in building relationships and partnering with our clients to deliver top talent and assist in making critical hiring needs. We measure our success NOT by the number of candidates we deliver or place, rather the number of candidates identified together during our partnered search. We truly take pride in "Connecting Organizations and Professionals who have a Passion for Science."
Connecting Organizations and Professionals who have a Passion for Science
Scientificprosearch, Inc.
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